Courses and events in 2023/24

After a year of reduced and mostly online teaching, it is great to be back with a fuller programme over the coming months. I am glad to go back to teaching "on the ground" again in some cases, at the same time I decided to carry on teching some courses online as makes this important learning accessible to different groups of people.

If you are interested in hosting or organising courses withe me please get in touch, and feel free to suggets other subjects.


Permaculture Design Course

with Tomas Remiarz and Jed Picksley

Dates: 9-13 June, 28-30 July, 11-13 August, 29 September - 2 October


Once home to the poets Wordsworth and Coleridge, Alfoxton Park House in the Quantock Hills is now transforming into a Buddhist Community and art centre with an intention of using permaculture in developing the site. Our course will give ample opportunity to explore how permaculture can be used on any scale and in many settings using the beautiful grounds and landscape including walled garden and 30 acres of SSSI as practice grounds. You will also have the chance to apply your learning in between weekends and develop a permacultrue design for your own situation.

Cost: £250 deposit + donation

Contact: please go directly to the booking form or to the Alfoxton Park website


Forest Gardening in Practice

with Tomas Remiarz

Dates: 15 - 17 September 2023

Location: Henbant permaculture farm, Snowdonia, Wales

A comprehensive introduction to forest gardening, also suitable for people who have already started and want to improve their practice. This course will teach you how to design, plant and maintain a forest garden. We will use the land and people around for a practical example. You will learn to observe the land around you, ask questions of the people using the site and analyse the gathered information. We will explore how to combine trees, shrubs and perennial plants and how to organise planting, harvesting and maintenance. You will also receive support with your own food forest design.

Cost: £295 (includes food and camping)

Information and booking: via the Henbant website


Food Forest Design

Venue: Ptasia Dolina Farmstead, Jelenia Gora, Poland

Tutor: Tomas Remiarz

Dates: 26 - 29 October 2023

This course will teach you how to design, plant and maintain a forest garden. We will use the land and people around for a practical example. You will learn to observe the land around you, ask questions of the people using the site and analyse the gathered information. We will explore how to combine trees, shrubs and perennial plants and how to organise planting, harvesting and maintenance. You will also receive coaching on your own food forest design.

The course is suitable for people with their own forest garden as wel as those who are interested in creating one.

Cost: 400 Euro (includes food and accommodation)

Contact: via Ekopoletko website, or go directly to the booking form


Waldgarten-Intensivkurs (in deutscher Sprache)

Wo: Essbare Stadt Kassel

Mit: Tomas Remiarz, Karsten Winnemuth

Wann: 28. - 30. April 2023

Dieser Kurs wird tefe Einblicke in die Theorie und Praxis des Waldgartens vermitteln. Wir werden bestehende Projekte in Kassel besuchen und neue entwerfen. Du wirst waehrend des Kurses auch Gelegenheit haben, dein eigenes Waldgartenprojekt zu entwickeln.

Kontakt: Melde dich bitte ueber das Kontaktformular


Introduction to Permaculture


Venue: Applewood, Herefordshire


Dates: next course planned for spring 2023



Living in Community

This is a course I co-facilitate with Jed Picksley. It covers a broad range of subjects relevant to setting up and being involved in community living. Content and format and flexible and can be ltailored to the needs for the participants.

No courses planned at the moment.


Introduction to Forest Gardening

No courses planned at the moment. Get in touch if you want to make one happen!


Developing Plant skills

This course covers plant identification, propagation from seed and other propagation methods. This can be a 2-3 day course.

No courses planned at the moment. Get in touch if you want to make one happen!